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How to get high quality medical care when you don’t live in the US/Canada/U.K.

I’m 34. I’ve listened to all your podcasts about alzheimer’s and I would love to be able to access some sort of a personalised prevention plan with regular testing and follow ups like the one described in the podcast with Lauren and Richard Isaacson. However like many of your listeners I live in a country where most doctors don’t speak English so you can be pretty guaranteed that they’re not following the latest research or investigating the latest therapies to use for prevention. What would you do in that case? Can you speak about what options there are to access something resembling a personalised prevention plan from medical professionals based in the US while not being based there yourself? Are the legal barriers that make something like that impossible?

How fair is access to high quality healthcare?

I’ve been listening to your podcast which I’m finding very informative, thank you. However I think it’s also making it painfully obvious how unevenly distributed access to high quality healthcare is. Take the episode where Lauren emailed Richard Isaacson and got into his care. Could anyone pull that off, or would that work only if you are “someone”? How does one get access to care from leaders in their space? How does one become Peter Attia’s patient? How much of that is due to having the right contacts? I like Peter because he’s no BS, “say it like it is” kinda guy and I would like to hear him let us in on how it really works. What would Peter do if he didn’t have a background in medicine or science, didn’t have contacts in the field, was middle class and wanted to invest into preventative care of specific conditions that run in his family?

Gallstones and Choline

Can gallstones formation be a side effect of a bad choline processing? (Genes snips)

Health and Wellness for Child-rearing

Listening to your AMA 12 you mentioned that some of the common things we do for child development such as putting shoes on them and putting them in walkers hinders their long term development. I am a big fan of economist Emily Oster for her work in trying to take bad science out of pregnancy/raising children. What are you doing/have you done that is counter to the prevailing "norm" and what resources would you suggest for anyone who is about to have children/has them already?

Lung cancer risk mitigation

I lost both of my parents to lung cancer (ages 57 and 70), both were smokers. I have about 5 pack years of smoking under my belt (~15 years ago) and around 15 years of moderate to heavy marijuana smoking. I don't engage in either of these behaviors currently and am and avid endurance athlete who appears quite healthy, but I fear for my fate in the years ahead. 1) What, if anything, can I do to mitigate the risk that I face? 2) Given my risk profile, what sort of screening might be appropriate for me and when should I start? I am 38 currently and really want to be around for my family for as long as possible.