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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Ultra endurance athletes and brain benefits

I am curious if anyone is studying endurance athletes- specifically ultra runners and their neuro anatomy? Many ultra runners, including myself, talk about reaching a bliss state of compassion and non duality and just curious if there is anyone looking at the ACC in brain of these types of athletes. How this state is described seems quite similar to people who practice mindfulness and or meditation, and I guess one could conclude any ultra sport is sort of a form of meditation. Super curious if anyone is looking at this. Thanks in advance!

Practices/pharmacological approaches to improve cognition.

Peter’s practices and pharmacological approaches to improve cognition/focus, based on current evidence from literature. Apart from the inherent requirements for optimal cognition and focus (namely sleep, nutrition, exercise, distress management- all of which I address)… what techniques and pharmacology does Peter employ to improve cognition and focus?

Seasonal Allergies

What's your approach to managing seasonal allergies? Thoughts on OTC meds, Kenalog shots, Immunotherapy?

Early cancer detection via liquid biopsy

After watching your recent podcast with Tim Ferris, I am curious as to what next steps look like after early screening for cancer delivers a positive (or suspicious) result. Early detection of cancer is an optimal and desirable state for the patient, but many cancers are only detected only after they are well established. Is there currently a standard of care or treatment for early detection besides surveillance? It seems to me the medical community is really ill-prepared to address a patient’s options for most cancers especially at this stage of discovery.

For doctors/med students wanting to follow in your footsteps:

Would you consider doing an AMA or special subscribers podcast for doctors/med students aspiring to do what you do? I've noticed many inquiries related to this in the AMA question section. Adding your insights on business model, marketing, acquiring patients, navigating regulatory bodies, licencing, navigating the quackery that comes along with emerging fields of medicine, medical training pathways, the process you apply to patients, the day-to-day of what you do for patients, and anything else you think might be of use.