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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Muscle Mass vs. metabolic/other health trade off for healthspan

Peter, I’m curious how you currently view how to balance the need for a good foundation of muscle mass vs. the benefits of time restricted eating/fasting which comes at a significant cost for muscle mass. Assuming one does resistente training four+ days a week, how does one decide whether to focus on muscle gain vs. autophagy/metabolic control, etc.

“Too” Long Fast - back to carb burn?!?

Hey Peter- (using Zero Plus, Lumen, and my Garmin Fenix 5X; doing 20 hr. Fasts and HIIT several days a week to try to lose fat) got this message from my Lumen email blast. Please cover in AMA : 4. Post-fasting Measurements Post-fasting measurements which are available through the floating button menu. Take a measurement when your fasting window is over to measure the impact on your metabolism. "I had no idea that I was over-fasting. Turns out you can go into carb burn if you fast for too long. So now I know my fasting window should be a 12 to 13 hours if I want to end up in carb burn." Jamie F Tip: Some fasts may be too long and put your body into carb burn in a stress response. Try sticking to fasting windows that work for you. Love the show and all you do for us!

Creatine for brain health (ex. sleep deprivation, TBI), longevity, and fasting

In the past (AMA #9), you've discussed creatine supplementation, but only in the context of exercise. Could you discuss creatine in the context of vegetarians, brain health, longevity, and fasting? For instance, would a person on a vegetarian diet benefit from creatine supplementation for brain health? For instance, for being better able to deal with sleep deprivation and mental fatigue, or even being better protected in the case of traumatic brain injury? On the podcast, both Chris Masterjohn (#46) and Dom D'Agostino (#116) were bullish on creatine for brain health, and Rhonda Patrick is as well on her website. Do you think that creatine supplements might interfere with some of the potential longevity benefits that might come from a vegetarian diet? In David Sinclair's book "Lifespan," he says that vegetarian diets may improve longevity via lower mTOR activation. He says that this is because vegetarian diets are poor in amino acids that especially activate mTOR, like methionine, arginine, and the BCAA's. Could supplemental creatine interfere with that, perhaps by signaling a high energy state? Do you think that creatine supplements would interfere with a fast, and the activation of autophagy, for similar reasons?

Covid vaccine

I did listen to all covid podcasts and in none of them Peter addressed the point that vaccines do not prevent us from getting covid, but Peter suggests that the long term outcome is worse from covid than from vaccine. If you get vaccine you still will get covid, so then, aren't you at risk for both, Vaccine and covid long term negative outcomes? Because we know that vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid.

Non-nutritive sweeteners

Thank you so much for all of the solid information you provide us. I was interested in your thoughts about this study which seems to suggest that I might not avoid a rise in my blood glucose by using Monk Fruit or Stevia instead of sugar. Eur J Clin Nutr . 2017 Sep;71(9):1129-1132. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2017.37. Epub 2017 Apr 5. Effects of non-nutritive (artificial vs natural) sweeteners on 24-h glucose profiles S L Tey 1 , N B Salleh 1 , C J Henry 1 2 , C G Forde 1 3 PMID: 28378852 DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2017.37