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Zone 2 Training and Glucose (CGM)

This morning I woke up with a fasting glucose baseline of about 89 and this was constant before my Zone 2 ride at about 5:50 am. I spent 39 min at 70-80% of my max HR (according to WHOOP). I averaged 130 and maxed at 151. I’m a 40 year old male - 5’ 10’’, 177 lbs, 19% body fat (just so you had some frame of reference). My current FTP I’m training at is 270 which is from my last 20 min test on 3/13/21 (I am due for a retest). Okay long story short - my glucose steadily rose over the course of the ride peaking at 119 (6:50 am) during the ride and rose to 124 (7:09 am) 20 min later before it started to decline and it settled back in at 94 (7:55 am) about 35 min after the peak at 124. Is this an expected glucose reaction for Zone 2 training? I also have screen shots I can share - thanks!

Do artificial sweeteners impair the ability to generate ketones during a fast?

Hi there, In AMA #11, Peter mentions that chewing xylitol may have contributed to impaired ketone production. I often use a tbsp of Truvia in my otherwise black coffee mornings of my extended fasts. Should I assume that all artificial sweeteners including Truvia will have a similar negative effect on ketone production? Ty.

Preventative Care AMA

Hi Peter, Long time listener and I hugely appreciate all that you are doing. Your podcast has been a great source for learning for me and deeply influences my thinking around personal healthcare choices that I make on a day to day basis. My question, and I was wondering if this could be a segment on one your next AMAs, in on preventative care. By this I mean; things a person can do to catch and identify early markers or signs of disease that they can then subsequently treat before things get complicated. You recently spoke about undergoing a routine cancer screening MRI on an episode and it got me thinking, if you have a bunch of things like this that you do routinely to catch and diagnose early signs of any disease. I am guessing an episode like this could include things like habits, various screening tests, devices you use (like glucose monitoring) and other indicators like genetic screening and so on that one can do to monitor health on a routine basis and stay ahead, at least in terms of diagnosing diseases early. Thank you again. Keep doing what you’re doing! Take care.

Life expectancy difference between men and women

How much of the difference in life expectancy between men and women do you suspect is due to the prostate gland? Every man over 70yrs old that I know has to urinate 3+ times a night, negatively impacting their sleep. Your interviews with Matthew Walker has convinced me that low quality sleep materially impacts health in a myriad of ways.


A deep dive and/or case studies into all the hormones tested for in the DUTCH test that you mentioned would be great.