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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Sleep Studies and Tracking

What sleep studies do you normally consider and are there any at home sleep tracking devices that you recommend, what are they and why?

Frameworks for Parenting

Understanding that parenting advice is very specific, what is Peter's framework for raising health-conscious kids? How do he and his wife balance imparting healthy habits without applying pressure? (I noticed Peter said his son's favorite food is "moons" aka cashews, likely speaking to not often having sweets around, but also posts videos about abstaining from pizza or "monkey biscuits" that his family has")

Sex for health

I'm so thankful for your contribution to society and me personally, I've been practicing better sleep, zone 2, fasting and time restricted feeding with wonderful results for over a year now. You deserve all the money I won't be giving to the Healthcare industrial complex for years to come! So many of your findings and recommendations are linked to practices that our species (and most /all species) have been wed to for millenia - movement, nutrition, sleep...etc. I've been wondering about the health benefits of sex. I've heard lots of kitschy, meme-worthy goofiness but I'm curious if there's any solid science documenting the connection between good / frequent sex and mental health, longevity, sleep, physical fitness, all-cause mortality, etc. Would love to know your thoughts and findings. Thanks again!

Can excess visceral fat be targeted for reduction over subcutaneous fat?

Is there any data about how to reduce visceral fat levels, given the dangerous nature of their presence in excess? Beyond the standard protocols for improving metabolic health, are there types of exercise, eating behaviors, or fasting protocols that have been shown to decrease visceral fat most effectively? For those of us who tend towards "skinny fat" with very little body fat through our body except around our waist, I have a fear that visceral fat levels may be rising at a faster relative rate than for those who carry their fat stores more evenly on their body. Is the answer for us to just get much leaner to protect against this possibility?

Sex hormone replacement therapy for older men and post menopausal women

There are a lot of scare tactics thrown around sex hormone replacement therapy mostly around cancer risk. However the supporting studies are pretty poor. I'm thinking to start getting testosterone. I'm 70 years old and I'm feeling the decline in muscle mass and sleep despite exercise and sleep hygiene. Peter's thoughts?