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Distilled water

What is the best type of water. I have heard conflicting evidence regarding distilled water. What does the actual science say, not just anecdotal stories?

Endogenous insulin long term ketosis

Peter, Curious as to what your thoughts might be surrounding endogenous insulin production in long term ketogenic diet adherence. Could more be going on than just higher intracellular levels of DAG that you’d presumably find in the muscle cells of a long term ketogenic dieter? Could it be that part of why people do so poorly with an OGTT after a significant amount of time in nutritional ketosis is because the beta cells of the pancreas have atrophied and/or down regulated expression of genes responsible for producing insulin? I’ve heard you speak about your euglycemic insulin clamp test and how insulin sensitive you were. Wondering if you had also done an OGTT back then and what those results were like if you had. Obviously this isn’t super helpful or move the needle on living longer, just curiosity driven more than anything else.

Anabolic steroid safety profile

How dangerous is the use of anabolic steroids in the intermittent/short-term and in the long-term?

Diabetes remission and drugs

Should I consider dropping SGLT-2 and Metformin as Diabetes goes into remission? I am a 25 year diagnosed T2D. In the past 24 months, through low carb diet, time restricted eating, quarterly fasting, and improved exercise routines, along with daily sauna, my diabetes is heading into remission. A1C dropping below 6, fasting glucose around 100. I am on Metformin and Farxiga partly due to T2D and partly because of a belief in their potential positive effects on health. Are there any published articles that address this or what you would deem as valid expert opinions?


Plz help with armpump my friend just last week had horrible injuries cuz of it! What's the solution to arm in Motocross and hard-enduro!? We have people selling gadgets and diets and snake oil, praying on riders misfortune, had one today really bad went from second place to 11th! Plz plz plz help! I've sent this question on Instagramonths ago to no avail! I guess it was the wrong place.