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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Scattered through the podcasts are references to Autophagy. In general this has been characterized as a "good thing". The one exception is in the Podcast with Eileen White where she states that while autophagy is beneficial in preventing cancer that once one has cancer the cancer feeds from the autophagy. What should one think (particularly as one gets older) about the silent cancers-e.g. pancreatic and lung. Is trying to increase autophagy dangerous unless one has regular screening (whole body scan for example) to try to identify cancer at an early date). Are the benefits of autophagy so outweighed by risk with cancer that one should try to slow autophagy? If so how? I am particularly interested in autophagy generated by rapamycin-although Joan Mannick did in #123 suggest rapamycin in fact did not a significant catalyst of autophagy.

Kratom (mitrogyna speciosa)

What are your views on kratom (mitrogyna speciosa) when it’s used for relaxation 1-2 times per week? Is the active chemical something that could be harmful long-term?

Napping Strategies

If you are anticipating staying up later one night than you would normally stay up, would it be better to take a nap on the same day in order to make up for lost sleep or on the following day (assuming you wake up at your normal wake-up time)?

Long-Term Ketogenic Diet and Cardiomyopathy (follow-up to your answer)

Peter, you posted a response to a question about a study appearing recently in Nature purporting to show that in rats, a long-term ketogenic diet can lead to cardiac fibrosis (via activating SIRT 7 transcription). I've posted a link to the article below. My question is: have you discussed this article with Dom D'Agnostino and/or do you know if he has read it (and, if he has, what he thinks about it). Thanks.

Is this a useful panel for tracking aging/wellness?

Hey Peter, my company is experimenting with an at-home aging panel (list of biomarkers: "Each weekly test will report blood concentrations of CRP, GDF-15, NT-proBNP, NfL, alpha Klotho, IGF-1, CCL2, CST3, MCP-1, & LBP to your mobile device.) Do you think these are a good choice (we can only do a limited set in a single cartridge) and do you think the data would be useful if collected weekly?