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Carbohydrate Insulin Model of Obesity

In the unlikely event you haven't received this article published in science, like a 1000x by now, like to know your thoughts on it.

Extensive lymphadenopathy post Covid Vaccine

I just listened to the interview with Paul Offit and am completely freaked out by Peter’s description of the MRI findings on his wife post Covid vaccine. The fact she has so much lymph node enlargement that “it looks like it could be breast cancer” does not sound very good! Can Peter please talk about why there is so much lymph node inflammation several months after the vaccine and what the possible implications to health this may represent? I have been vaccinated and am genuinely worried about the possible (not yet studied) long term risks of autoimmune disease given this high level of immune system being “revved up”.....

How can you optimize breath

I sleep 8 hours, I move x hours, I eat x time. But I breathe all the time. How can you optimize breath? It seems the most powerful thing to optimize because we do it all the time.

COVID-19 Vaccine Complications

Peter, Got done listening to your podcast with Paul Offit, unless I missed it you did not address my two biggest concerns with the mRNA vaccines. 1. What is the potential to experience vaccine enhanced disease in the 1-4ish year time frame? My understanding from the literature is that high mortality rates of animals given previous mRNA vaccines is a primary reason we haven’t used mRNA on humans prior to now. 2. Long term potential for increased susceptibility to auto-immune diseases, given the process, mRNA tells your body to make spike proteins then your immune system recognizes those proteins as unwanted and disperses with them. So your immune system fights something your body made.

Dawn Effect High Fasting Glucose

Encouraged by you I got my endocrinologist to prescribe me a CGM. It’s been a game changer. What can be done for those of us with our highest blood sugar levels in the morning between 6am-12noon? Why do some have there highest glucose numbers in the morning while fasting? Rest of the day numbers are in the low 100’s morning are 130 to 160