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Lactate meter or device for home use

What strips or devices are good enough for the 'regular guy' to measure lactate levels to confirm zone 2 after exercise? There seem to be some very expensive devices out there, is there something decent for home use?

walking after eating

What are the benefits of walking after eating? For how long should you walk? Can you go immediately after eating or is it better to wait say 15-30mins after eating before going for a walk? Thanks.

zone 2 training, thoughts on which exercise

I've considered stationary bike, rowing machine, walk/run treadmill or outside (maybe even barefoot.) Any advantage to the "whole body" aspect of rowing vs the leg predominant other choices? I also assume you'll be covering heuristics short of full on lactate measurements, I'm 66, MD PhD, interested in longevity/vigor/healthspan and not particularly in competing.

Standing Desks

Is standing in one place for most of the day a big improvement over sitting? If so, why--calories? Muscle tightness/over-stretching?

Zone 5, etc?

What is Peter's approach to Zone 5 training? What about other "anaerobic" training protocols?