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What made you leave surgery?

I was wondering how you came to realize that you didn't want to continue in the field of surgery? Also, having night shifts (I'm a surgical resident i Scandinavia, so easy-breezy compared to US)... do you have any recommendation as to how to optimize the sleep "non-pattern" to decrease the damage I imagine these shifts are causing? The Ouraring thinks I'm insane. Thanks to you and your team for your work - very inspiring!

Testosterone replacement during fasting.

I recall you discussing how your free testostone level naturally decreased durning a 5 day fast. For men who use testosterone replacement therapy, I am interested in a discussion around maintaining optimal free testosterone levels versus reducing the amount of testosterone being administrred during a prolonged (3-7 day) fast.


I was wondering if you could explain how the thyroid may interact with glucose transport and glycolysis. Does hyperinsulinemia create an environment for an exacerbation of hypothyroidism (Hashimotos) (Weight gain, fatigue, intolerance to cold, ect...) Can caloric restriction improve hypothyroidism, if yes, why and what else can improve overall health in the hypothyroid patient, if no then same follow up. This is all in the hypothyroid patient that is not on any therapy or supplementation.

menopause hormone therapy: what are target levels for estradiol and progesterone?

Hi Peter, Thanks for unpacking the question of whether to use hormone therapy for menopause! Could you shed some light on what the target hormone levels should be, when the goal is longer health span? It seems like a common clinical approach is to treat immediate symptoms only, keeping the hormone levels close to the peri-menopause range.

Sex hormone binding globulin

Hi Peter. If you had high SHBG levels what steps would you take to decrease SHBG levels assuming that's what you wanted to do.