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Maximizing Mental Clarity During the Month of Ramadan - Fasting

People who fast during Ramadan can only eat, drink, or take medication/supplements before sunrise and after sunset. What kind of food/drink do you recommend, and at what times? What the health effects of this style of intermittent fasting? I’m trying to maximize mental clarity while also exercising throughout the day.

Billat intervals

Hi Peter and Team. Thanks for this space. I wonder if you have any thoughts about the work done by Veronique Billat and her 30-30 method, especially for endurance sports (running, cycling).

DFA Alpha 1 as a Metric For Tracking AT, or Z2

Hi Peter, Recently on an Z2 IG QnA you did I asked about DFA Alpha 1, which is a new metric for tacking Aerobic Threshold, or Z2 Threshhold, using HRV. Sounded like at the time you were not familar with this. have you looked into this at all since then? I've been using it and seems to give reasonalbe estimates for AT, although it's a bit hard to hone in close on it. There is more about it here: Would love you hear your take on this method. So muich easier than measuring blood lactate. Apparently a universal measurement (0.75) for AT across all fitness types and ages.

LDN - Low Dose Naltrexone

Does this have any benefits for longevity?

COVID-19 Vaccines - current thoughts?

I listened to the podcast with Dr. Paul Offit with great interest; and I wonder if there are any new thoughts regarding those early concerns about the J&J vaccine. Would also like to know if you have a perspective on what vaccination approach makes the most sense for someone who has already had COVID and recovered.