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Control of mildly elevated blood pressure

Wondering which antihypertensive and at what dosing Peter would choose for somebody who is consistently in the 120's/70's, with some measurements in the 130's. I have heard him speak only to this in the sense of recommending that pressure would ideally be controlled to the 110's/70's and below. For those of us that wouldn't meet the criteria of true stage one hypertension, but are still elevated, would he still recommend pharmacologic treatment and if so, which med is his go to and at which dose?

ROS theory of obesity

What is Peter's take on the ROS theory of obesity?

Three Possible Topics

1. What would Peter and Bob suggest for a family history of bad knees, in terms of prevention? My Dad recently had his knee replaced and I want to prevent that if I can! 2. Can you get a dentist on to discuss all things dentistry? 3. Mobility vs. Stability--can you elaborate the differences to a layman?

Exercises to Avoid

You said you don't do overhead lifts so I've given up overhead presses. What other exercises might we be doing which could be harming us? Thanks as always for being a trustworthy source of information.

Type I versus type II muscle - which is more important to preserve when ageing and stave off injury.

I would argue type II muscle is more important to preserve in the elderly based on the studies below. Endurance/Zone 2 training is out and heavy weights/sprint/HIIT training is in. Agree? Thanks! John Hendrix, MD The decline in skeletal muscle mass with aging is mainly attributed to a reduction in type II muscle fiber size Type-2 muscle fiber atrophy is associated with sarcopenia in elderly men with hip fracture