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Barefoot dress shoes?

Is there a brand of dress shoes that are similar to the xeros you recommend? I’ve been wearing xeros for a month now and love how they’ve made my foot stronger and more functional. I have to wear a suit and tie daily and I am looking for a dress shoe brand with the same xero quality.

Do calcium supplements contribute to CAC?

Is there any evidence suggesting that calcium supplements can contribute towards coronary artery calcification? Is there a tradeoff between the marginal benefits and marginal costs of calcium supplementation?

What oils or fats are best?

What oils or fats are best? The olive oil episode frustratingly didn\'t provide us with any answers..

Fasting when you are about to get sick?

Hi, Do you know any research or have personal experience of skipping meals/ starting fasting when you feel you are about to catch a cold or became sick? Or is it better to support immunity with constant food intake?

Book recommendations

I'm aware of your biochemistry and physiology book recommendations and have heard you recommend an occasional book during your podcasts. Can you post a list of recommended books on the website?