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Should I take allopurinol?

Hi, I am turning 29 this year with no known underlying conditions. My ancestors were all from Southern China. I am on OMAD diet mostly including leafy green vegetables, pangasius/salmon/mussels/poultry/eggs, avocados/nuts/olive oil, yoghurt, and occasionally 1-2 servings of fruits and berries. Never fasted more than 36 hours. Admittedly, I probably have some degree of orthorexia. I exercise regularly, never less than 120min/week, by moderate-intense running and bodyweight training. I am a regular blood donor (450ml every 3 months) since I was 18yo. My supplements are ⁃ Magnesium(400mg) taurate, ⁃ Hydrolysed fish collagen 10g/day ⁃ Ferrous fumarate (200mg od-eod) ⁃ Niacin IR 2g od 3-5times/week (as my own experiment on NAD+ boosting property and only take it during my fasting window), ⁃ TMG 1g with niacin ⁃ Trans-resveratrol 600mg 3-5times/week dissolved in 1-2 tsp of EVOO ⁃ Zinc picolinate 50mg 3-5 times/week but will change to Jarrow’s Zinc Balance soon. My BW 64kg, Ht. 172cm, resting HR around 55bpm, BP never exceeds 120/80mmHg. Since May 2019; before I started niacin and any other supplements other than Ferrous fumarate, my lab results were ⁃ Uric acid 8.2mg/dL ⁃ TG 81mg/dL ⁃ HDL-c 75 mg/dL ⁃ LDL-c 96 mg/dL On October 2020; after 1-2 months of occasionally taking niacin ⁃ Uric acid 8.9mg/dL ⁃ TG 39mg/dL ⁃ HDL-c 89 mg/dL ⁃ LDL-c 90 mg/dL On November 2020; after trying to increase my water intake to >3L/d and still taking niacin, ⁃ Uric acid 8.3mg/dL So I decided to cutback most of my fruits intake (from 4-5 servings/day to 0-2 servings/day) Turns out my lab results on March 2021, few months after taking niacin,... ⁃ Uric acid 8.6mg/dL My family has no significant history of metabolic syndrome, no history of gout Paternal grandfather - died at 86 from leukemia Paternal grandmother - died at 74 from thyroid cancer Maternal grandfather - died at 86 from IHD Maternal grandmother - died at 99 from ischemic stroke Father - 67yo, LDL-c 171-216 mg/dL, SUA 6.3mg/dL, otherwise within normal limits Mother - 65yo, LDL-c 210-239 mg/dL, SUA 2.3mg/dL, underlying disease; NMOSD (for 1.5years without relapse) None of my parents are willing to take statins (yet). I can not think of anymore levers to pull to bring my SUA down and am considering starting allopurinol. So I am looking for a second opinion and want to know what is your view on this?

Heavy metals detox?

Can you talk about lead and mercury poisoning? I have had some labs done (hair, urine challenge with DMSAS, blood) that points to heavy metals detox needed. The labs show lead and mercury off the chart and unmeasurable. Are we all living with this? How common? Where to find a second opinion? Environmental Medicine? Is DMSA challenge orally safe?

More Info on Longevity SPAC with Christian Angermayer

Peter and David Sinclair are on the Board: I find it notable that the founder is a radical life-extensionist, pace Peter's recent comments to Richard Miller. What does Peter think about the venture, with his leadership and ambitions? What kinds of projects does Peter envision endorsing for SPAC merger/aquisition?

CGM + Cheese

Hi Peter and team I just got a CGM and have been using for the last 2 weeks. I’ve noticed for some reason after cheese my blood sugar decreases to below 3.9 mmol/L, which on the CGM is saying this is very low. Is this a good or a bad thing? I understand it’s not spiking, but a hypoglycaemia response doesn’t seem healthy either. Any literature to support this or should I be looking at something else that could be triggering this? Thank you 🙏🏻

What is love?

Hey Peter and Team - Wondering if you’d be willing to find a guest on the expert of romantic love, it’s physiology and psychology. I ask because there are few things which can positively, or negatively impact the quality of your life more than the right, or wrong spouse. Some topics that would be super interesting (and I'm sure there are tons more): 1) Understanding how our psychology works to help us find the ‘right’ partner. Why is or isn’t it a strictly rational decision? 2) What do people really mean when they say ‘when you know you know’? 3) Why we sometimes reject the ‘perfect’ partner, or accept the ‘wrong’ partner. 4) Did we evolve to fall in love?