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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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influence of Fasting on Aerobic performance

What, if any, influence does periodic fasting (3-5 days in combination with 16-8 daily regimen) have on aerobic performance?

Blood Flow Restricted Training

Hi Peter, I am a new member. I want to thank you for creating such an excellent source of information and education. have learned a great deal from you and your guests. Regarding my questions: What are your thoughts on blood flow restricted training. Particularly, is it safe? Is it effective? And what role do you think it has on someone with joint issues relating to building muscle with lower stress on the joints. What role, if any do you see as a treatment for fragility? Additionally, would it be safe to use with someone with Raynoud's syndrome? I think it would make a great podcast. Thanks again for all you and your team and the great work you do.

Child development, pre-natal health, etc.

Hello Peter and crew! This is more of a request than a question. It'd be wonderful if you could create some content with some experts in child development and women's health. Would love to see it, perhaps a short series? Thanks!

Rapamycin/Everolimus potential side effect - pulmonary fibrosis

I know you are a fan of rapamycin for its anti-aging benefits. Have you looked into the potential side effect of pulmonary fibrosis? My father, an 87 year old white male diagnosed with metastatic bladder cancer, which apparently had an mTOR mutation, received Everolimus and within two months developed severe pulmonary fibrosis which resulted in his passing within a month. Metastatic bladder cancer was discovered in November of 2017; he did not present with hematuria but rather with an elevated creatinine. He was put on immune therapy with no success. The oncologist suggested we might try Everolimus given the mTOR mutation so we asked the company (Novartis) for the medication and were given it by the company on a trial basis. In April of 2018, he was given Everolimus (Afinitor) 10mg daily for five weeks. He developed severe pulmonary fibrosis within a month (end of May, 2018) of starting the everolimus (no lung issues prior) and his quality of life rapidly and profoundly deteriorated (could not get in an out of bed without o2 stats falling to 40% and was on constant Oxygen). In July we consulted with a pulmonologist who diagnosed him with severe pulmonary fibrosis which he said he had seen several times from patients using affinitor or everolimus. He in fact said "he definitely has Everolimus lung" His lung x-ray looked like shattered glass or cotton candy - and the pulmonologist showed us several different pictures from other patients having the identical side effect and x-ray after treatment with Everolimus. The pulmonoligist put my dad on strong doses of steroid but it did not help. My dad passed away August 14, 2018 from complications from pulmonary fibrosis. Curious if the bad side effect of pulmonary fibrosis was dose dependent (his does was targeted at cancer treatment as opposed to the dose given to potentially help with longevity) or if he was perhaps genetically predisposed (his kerac study showed an MTOR mutation?). I apologize if I misuse terms - I am not a physician.

Statins and APOE4

You've alluded that you're more choosy with statins and/or LDL lowering agents in APOE4 carriers but no actionable information. What would be your recommended pharmaceuticals and ones to avoid for such a person? Or if we're not to the point where such a recommendation is possible, how would one best go about choosing the pharmaceutical to lower LDL/APOB in an APOE4 carrier?