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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Clinical Trial

If a friend or family member was thinking of participating in a clinical trial for a new drug, would you have safety concerns? What advice would you have?

How to ask a doctor their success rate on a procedure

Hi Peter! In your last AMA you didn’t answer this one question I think a lot of us would like to know. How do we find out a doctor’s success rate for a procedure? Do we ask how many colonoscopies he has performed and how many colons he has perforated? Would he tell us? Is this published anywhere for patients? Many thanks and blessings to you and your team. Maryann

At-Home Hormone Testing

Continuous glucose monitors exist, people can test their blood glucose at home, women can purchase at-home pregnancy tests, etc. Is there a reason why someone has not developed an at-home hormone testing devise (through saliva or urine) so one can measure their hormones daily themselves without sending it away to a lab? I would think there would be money in this, and it would help a lot of people, especially women in peri-menopause and menopause.

Your Family History form, can you share it?

In AMA #15, and at least 10 other podcast episodes, you say that knowing your family medical history is of critical importance. Sometimes, you list some of the topics collected, other times you reference how much time is required to complete it. Sounds like quite the deal and important! Given that finding a doctor as equivalent thoroughness to you is difficult, to say the least... Would it be possible to share the actual form with your podcast subscribers?

What supplements does Peter take?

I've been trying to go back through the articles (but haven't finished my quest yet), hoping to find what kind of supplements Peter is taking. I'm trying to listen to many of the podcasts but each time it is difficult to decide whether to take some of the supplements discussed. Any podcast or article out that gives Peter's perspective on which supplements are safe, and which ones are not proven but he still takes them?