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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Episode focused on pregnancy

Can you do an episode focused on health maintenance during pregnancy? For example, how does someone who has been quite active maintain strength/zone 2 going forward? Advice on diet and nutrition.

Tests available nowadays during pregnancy

I have 2 questions along the lines of there being such a rich variety of diagnostics available for primary care, but not routinely used. Would love to hear an update on foetal screening tests available nowadays early on in the pregnancy. Are there tests that are available and advisable but not done routinely. Also, any additional screening tests that moms should get that are not routinely done?

David Sinclair eschews animal protein and you don't. May I ask why?

David Sinclair eschews animal protein and you don't. May I ask why?

Elevation masks and breathing training devices

Do you have an opinion on using elevation (oxygen restriction) masks and/or breathing devices like

APOE4 and fish oil supplements

I finally found a cardiologist in my area who practices advanced preventative care. His testing and thinking seem very similar to most everything I’ve heard on your podcasts. In his practice, he noticed a correlation in APOE4 carriers with fish oil supplements increasing LDL particle count. He advised me to go off fish oil for 3 months and recheck. He did say I would not find any studies to prove this. Have you ever looked for this correlation? Among a few other changes, I did start taking fish oil supplements 6 months ago and my LDL increased 35 percent.