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Maximize Strength, Minimize Weight

Is it possible to increase strength without increasing muscle size/weight, and if so, what’s the best way? Some sports (I’m thinking specifically about rock climbing) reward a high strength/weight ratio. A high strength to muscle size ratio is rewarded as well, as extreme mobility is often required. I’m familiar with the longevity-related benefits of increased muscle mass. But if I want to optimize for performance in one of these sports like rock climbing, are there strategies I can employ to increase my strength/weight and strength/muscle size ratios?

Zone 2 WPKG

So I am clear per your IG post and Podcast Peter. My WPKG is 3.0.Are you suggesting I/we train 2-3x per week at our WPKG for the entire session? I would target as close to 3.0 +/- for the whole session?

vestibular challenge

In your podcase with Beth Lewis, on video was on vestibular challenge. As with any exercise, what is the goal of getting good at this, other than helping pass a field sobriety test. Also, have you tried your balance board with eyes closed? Not so easy.

Magnesium bisglycinate

I can’t seem to find any content on magnesium bisglycinate. I’ve heard you reference other magnesium types. I’ve been taking thorne’s bisglycinate and I’m wondering if you have any information on this type of magnesium. I apologize if I’ve overlooked something or am misinformed.

Healthy blood glucose levels and a low carb diet

I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic 9 months ago with a fasting glucose of 103 and an a1c of 6.1. I began testing my blood glucose, reducing my carb intake, and exercising. I have been keeping my blood glucose under 120 after meals for most meals. I have heard a range of target values for blood glucose and I am confused about what my goals should be. I also am wondering if I should increase my carb intake at some point. Currently I am at about 30-40 g per day. As a scientist I am very data-driven (much like you!) but I am frustrated by not knowing what my goals should be. Where can I get good information on this?