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Keto and LDL Cholesterol

I went on a modified Keto diet in September and 5 months later my LDL was up 35 percent. I didn’t go crazy with saturated fat either, about 30 grams per day. I’d like to systematically correct this so I can better understand if it was truly the extra fat causing the problem or some other change. How long should a person wait after making a change to retest and see an effect? Any other suggestions?

LDL cholesterol

Does high intensity exercise temporarily increase LDL through the bodies repair reaction? Dr Rhonda Patrick states this with Joe Rogan but my doctor says LDL does not jump following intense exercise. My LDL was high but I had done crossfit 4-5 days straight prior to my test, should I have waited a few days after the exercise? I was very sore.

ICE for injuries

Hello Dr. Attia, I believe in your presentation on back care you suggest ice to treat the inflammation. I'm wondering what your thoughts are on new research suggesting the use of ice for sprains, post surgery, etc. actually slows down healing. I read an article recently ( The Cold, Hard Truth about icing... ) that said there wasn't ever any data showing ice helped; so, through professional sports tradition, ice'ing is standard practice. Our son has had many surgeries from sports injuries and a serious accident (17 surgeries). Ice seems to have always been part of protocol. I try to stay very active, but suffer from lots of injuries and I have a chronic lower back issue. Should I be icing after sprains, tendinitis, etc? Have your opinions on this changed? Thanks for considering as a topic for Ama. Kevin Bodman

When is book coming out

I am excited about your upcoming book, is there any tentative or planned release date?

GUEST REQUEST- Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton for a masterclass on HRT

Hi there, I would love to hear a podcast about HRT and Alzheimer's with Roberta Brinton Ph.D.