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Autophagy waste process

I recently came to understand that autophagy was more than just self 'eating', but more like self 'cleaning' with some recycling thrown in. My understanding is that the encapsulated waste eventually makes its way to the large intestine. I notice a bit of lower intestinal stress after a 84-hr fast that I do not really experience after a 36-hr fast. Is it possible that there is some waste build up in the lower intestine that needs to be cleared? People fasting longer that 7 days have noted supplement bowel movements that have a different character. Could this be autophagy waste production?

fertility markers as general biomarkers

Ok, maybe crazy idea here, but.... It seems that if fertility is a sign of health, then markers of fertility might make for good general health biomarkers. If so, would tracking sperm health be a useful general biomarker, even for those not actively looking to create a pregnancy?

testosterone replacement

what are the taget "free testosterone" for men in their 40s? what are your thoughts on TRT doctors that claim the health benefits of optimizing T and usually running their patients with doses between 100-250 mg per week which usually seems to result of freeT between 30-50 ng/dl. What are your thoughts about using an aromatase inhibitor such as Anastrozole while on TRT. Finally do you believe that TRT is temporary or for life ?

Transgender Athletes

I have been having an ongoing discussion about transgender athletes and what it means for sports groups and competitions. Is there any way to do away with the gender aspect altogether in sports and categorize strictly based on physical factors, such as a combination of height, weight, muscle composition, etc? My friends and I need a doctor's perspective on this. How can we make this as fair as possible?

Workout Programing

It would be very helpful to see Peter's own personal workout programming. Specifically, how he balances Zone 2, vs. weightlifting, vs. Zone 5 vs. stability.