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Autophagy in the perioperative setting

I am a senior anesthesiologist from The Netherland and a great fan (and promoter) of healthy lifestyle as well as the content of what your team is doing nowadays! I did enjoy the Eilein White podcast a lot and i am fascinated about the use of autophagy in general. I am in the middle of trying to write a scientific overview article now for the Dutch Magazine of Medicine on that topic. I would like to know your thoughts of using autophagy in the perioperative setting. I am trying to set up a prehabiliation program for the operative patients in my clinic (large teaching hospital near Amsterdam) and i am struggling with embedding the fasting regimes and autophagy advantage as a strategy of better postoperative outcome. I cannot find any literature on that. Can you comment on that or help me in any way with that topic?

Deep dive into the ketogenic diet

Could you do a dedicated episode on the ketogenic diet? How to do it successfully as well as go over all the science on the benefits of this diet. Also going over when it to follow this diet? Thank you!

Home exercise options

What are your thoughts on the X3? John Jaquish makes some interesting points, but I would love your opinion. Thank you

Thoughts on EMF Safety

Peter, my wife is very concerned about EMF safety with our small children. Do you have any thoughts on the subject and the safety in living near towers that transmit RF?

Yearly Cancer Scaning?

Given most cancers are best treated if caught early would it make sense to do an annual full body scan (x-ray, MRI) to ensure any growths are caught before they enter the later stages?