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Asthma bronchiale

Dear Peter, First, thank you for your great content and giving me new perspectives to my health. I can honestly say that many of your inputs helped me change my life and health and the one of my loved ones. My question relates to a problem many million people's life and mine are affected by and impairs my health and life span. I am a 1.90cm, 100 kg, single digit body fat, 34-year-old guy (Caucasian if that is relevant). I exercise at least five times per week with a pragmatic balance between aerobic and aerobic exercises. With that I want to say that I feel very fit and take care of my health. However, since age 15 I suffer from Asthma bronchiale (Level 3, moderate persistent with symptom frequency daily and several nights per week). Retrospectively it looks like it developed from allergic rhinitis and got worse since. To get through the days and nights I daily inhale Symbicort (Budesonide 200 µg/Formoterolfumarat-Dihydrat 6 µg) twice per day and Ventolin (100 µg Salbutamol). (I used the local brand names used here in Switzerland) According to my doctors, this is the only way to at least ease the symptoms. I tried Nystatin as an alternative approach to get inflammation in my body down. It felt like that the problem increased. I tried incredible amounts of Omega 3 supplementation with the same goal with no notable effect. I understand you are not able to give medical advice in this framework. However, I would like to hear your thoughts on Asthma in general as a civil sickness and if you know ways to at least mitigate the problem/symptoms?

Do I need to eat immediately after lifting weights?

Peter and Bob, I was doing one meal a day for about a year and lost quite a bit of fat. Now that I've slimmed down, I'm trying to put on some muscle by lifting weights in addition to riding a stationary bike. I workout first thing in the morning, and I started drinking protein shakes immediately afterwords. I really miss the feeling of being fully fasted throughout the day, so my question is this: will I get the same benefits of the protein shakes if I drink them at night after dinner? I want to continue working out immediately after waking up and eating dinner around 6pm, but I don't want my weight lifting to be wasted by not immediately consuming nutrients. I know Dom briefly touched on lifting + OMAD this in a previous episode, but there doesn't seem to be consensus regarding the timing of eating with respect to morning workouts. Thoughts? Thanks for reading - love your stuff guys.


What is the starting dose for rapamycin and how do you adjust it: following levels, side effects, blood parameters, symptoms, epigenetic clock changes? Would you reconsider intermittent dosing in light of new data from mouse studies from Dr. Miller interview?

Proliferation of new CGMs

I am starting to see lots of adds for CGMs aimed at individuals without Type 1 DM who are more interested in nutritional optimization/longevity. You have previously discussed many of the trade-offs/handicaps that these devices may need to implement in order to pass FDA clearance for direct to consumer use. If the data is available, would be great to your take on the different options, the trade-offs they have chosen to make to get clearance, and any recommendations on ones to consider. Thank you.

MTOR suppression and leucine

Hi Peter, It seems that suppressing MTOR is good for longevity/healthspan. Also, keeping muscle on as we age is good. I remember you saying that 5 grams of leucine while working out might be a good idea to promote muscle growth, but is that a good idea when we are trying to tamp down MTOR? Thank you.