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Mitigation measures following worst meal of the year?

Everybody here knows that they should pay attention to what and how much (and when) they eat. However, sometimes we screw up and we eat very poorly. For example, imagine a dinner at the Italian restaurant with (sweet) cocktail + appetizers, pasta, Caesar's salad, and tiramisu... So, asking for a friend, what would be your go-to mitigation measures following such a disaster meal? Any supplement you'd take right away? Specific exercise protocol the day of (if doable)? Exercise protocol the day after? Special fasting? Change around the nutrient profile of the next few meals? Thanks!

Sauna - insulin sensitivity

I just listened to the Feb 15, 2021 AMA about insulin resistance. Exercise and diet are discussed as best ways to reduce insulin resistance. I wonder about sauna? I wear a CGM and am a T2D, I see substantial reductions in blood glucose following a sauna with the effects lasting up to 24 hours.

Can you explain insulin, define insulin resistance, and explain the gold-standard methods of quantifying it in the muscle?

What are the practical ways to test for insulin resistance in a normal clinical setting?

How does insulin resistance manifest in the muscle?