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Vision Health; Family History of Macular Degeneration

Hi, Team! Long time fan here! I was recently made away of my father with "early" onset macular degeneration. I don't recall a "deep dive" episode on Vision Health. Maybe an idea for a future episode. Keep up your exceptional research and education.

What are your favorite HIIT protocols and why?

I'm wondering what you think are the optimal protocols for HIIT exercises, always with the goal of maximizing health span (heart, brain, etc). The typical Tabata consists in 20 seconds max effort and 10 second rest (or cruise rate), times 8. Other protocols would have much longer rests and sometimes longer efforts. What do you think?

What do you think of the LYMA branded super-suplement vitamin?

I understand that the components in LYMA are patented formulations of fairly common supplements which have been trialed independently, and not collectively, and that doses are not individualized.


Peter - is there anything that works to combat going bald? I don't want to try finasteride because of the potential sexual side effects even if you stop taking it.

Richard Miller

Is it possible that the outcomes of various trial “treatments” could be attributed to changes in the microbiome. I am also interested in your opinion on this topic and the role that our microbiome may play in our overall health and longevity. Thanks. Sam. Retired Family Physician.