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Everyday fasting

Can you intermittent fast 7 days a week using a-combination of 24-18 hours of fasting


What do you think of HRV for general fitness (not in the objective of performance) and what's the difference between Whoop app and the Oura ? Thanks !

Gut Restoration

What is the best way to restore your gut? I have had some issues with constant burping, and believe it is related to what I eat. I tried a low FODMAP diet for a few weeks with little results (started out with a 36hr water only fast). I am trying a 4 week carnivore diet in hopes of killing the bad gut bacteria that feast on carbs. Is a carnivore diet a good way to restore the gut? Is testing your stool for certain strains of bacteria and deciding on a probiotic a better solution (Thryve or Atlas gut tests)? I have only had this issue for about 8 months, and I don't like the idea of taking a pill the rest of my life.

OxLDL and OxPhospholipids

Thoughts on ways to reduce the burden of these entities... environment and lifestyle choice. Are there effective supplements to assist with this (eg NAC; if so, brand)? Is there a particular importance on this reduction (of OxLDL, etc.) in the population with elevated Lp(a) (>50mg/dl)? Thanks

LDL Levels with Fasting and Circadian Rhythm

Multipart Question: - There have been several studies demonstrating a (short-term?) rise in LDL with fasting. Do see any “risk” in this type of transient rise? Or is it analogous to hs-CRP rise with exercise (part of the overall adaptive process)? Would this be a concern for any particular subset of population (eg individuals with elevated Lp(a))? - On a similar note, is there any information you can provide on the kinetics of plasma LDL throughout the day (ie circadian rhythm)? Is it higher / lower at differing times of day (eg like cortisol is higher am than pm) What sort of general differences are expected? For example, a 25% “swing” in LDL values could be a (the) difference in decisions made in primary prevention setting just based on a natural fluctuation ... would there a preferred time of day in most cases? Many Thanks