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What considerations do you think about when contemplating TRT and what's your approach with patents?

Torn between adding muscle and calorie restriction for longevity

I consistently conflicted about how to approach the second half of my life. On one hand I hear a lot about caloric restriction being a key driver of longevity. On the other hand I hear about maintaining muscle mass as a key driver of longevity. For me it seems to be one or the other. I'm naturally lanky and caloric restriction seems to prevent me from gaining much strength/muscle. When I ramp up my calories I can put on some muscle but then I'm not getting the benefits of caloric restriction. How should I think about this from a longevity perspective?

What do you think about TRT for women? What are some risks and benefits?

Is there an impact of fasting on testosterone levels?

Can hip thrusters be used as an alternative to the squat or deadlift?