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Lactic acid variability while exercising

I’ve noticed that my LA levels are higher at the beginning of a ride when my body is not quite warmed up despite my heart rate being in the zone 2 range; is that to be expected? Also, it seems like my body is more efficient (less LA) with higher resistance and less RPM (cadence), then riding on lower resistance and higher speed for the same overall wattage/heart rate. Does that make any sense? How fast do you clear LA? I’m using the Lactate Pro 2 and wondering if a few minutes between exercising and testing can significantly lower the LA levels.

Peter`s 3 day fasts

I have been doing a monthly 3 days water only fast for the past 6 months and I have seen some benefits in terms of weight loss and just the joy of self control. Is Peter still doing that and does for how long does he recommend I keep on pursuing this routine? Do i need to take any supplements during these 3-days-fasts? Can I recommend anyone to embark on this journey with me?

Lactate Levels and Zones 1-5

What would my lactate levels be for Zones 3-5?

Sports Drinks

Peter -- you had a very scary podcast about cancer, together with the dangers of fruit juice and sugary drinks as they have no fiber, and I can't unhear it everytime I'm training (triathlete) and consuming my Skratch or Maurten's on a long ride. Also true with gels. So we all know we need electrolytes and quick calories to fuel. But what are the best long effort (2 hour ride, 10m run, etc.) fuels that work but where you're not just casually courting cancer at the same time? Thank you!

Podcast needed exploring BPH and prostate health

I'd like to see a podcast about prostate issues, especially BPH but also prostate cancer and treatments.