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Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy

Hi, I've been using this supplement for the last couple weeks with great results. One thing I've noticed is that prior publications list phGABA as an ingredient, which seems to be phenibut, but now the recent update lists GABA. Do you know if the supplement was using phenibut, but has now changed? What can be found online about phenibut seems a bit concerning.

MAF and Zone 2

listened to the recent AMA on zone 2. then went to listen again to Phil Mafatone and the episode on zone 2. SO how should I think about these 2 things. Are they the same? If I am exercising at 180 minus age ie MAF is this zone 2?

Weighted backpack for Zone 2 walking?

Would it make sense to try a weighted backpack to bump flat, outdoor walking up to a Zone 2 activity?

Zone 2 Warm Up/Cool down

What kind of warm up or cool down do you recommend for patients doing for a Zone 2 workout?

As we get older, our capacity for prolonged focus, our energy during the day, decrease. Why is this? Can it be reversed?

As we get older, our capacity for prolonged focus, our energy during the day, decrease. Why is this? Can it be reversed?