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Progesterone for hair loss in women

Greatly appreciated the AMA episode regarding hair loss! My question is around what you said regarding how progesterone deficiency may contribute to thinning hair in women. I have been dealing with loss of hair (short growing cycle, not thinning at the scalp) for 2 years and asked my OB-GYN if I could test progesterone. She said it is not necessary unless I am trying to get pregnant. (I'm 41 - definitely not trying but also not menopausal.) It appears I am on my own to figure this out, so I was wondering - what level of progesterone in the blood have you found to be associated with optimal hair growth cycle? And how do you determine the correct dose to add, if needed to correct low levels in the blood?

To low LDL possible?

An LDL cholesterol level below 70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) was also associated with elevated liver enzymes in a review of NHANES data. Compared to the reference group with LDL-C levels between 71-100 mg/dL (1.84-2.59 mmol/L), an LDL-C level below 40 mg/dL (1.04 mmol/L) was linked to a 4.2-fold increase in elevated liver transaminases, while levels between 41-70 mg/dL (1.06-1.8 mmol/L) were associated with a 1.6-fold increased risk. In a prospective study of 96,043 participants, an LDL-C level below 70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) was significantly associated with an increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). This association disappeared when LDL-C levels were 70 mg/dL or higher. The researchers noted that a low total cholesterol level of 188 mg/dL (4.87 mmol/L) or below was also significantly linked to an increased risk of ICH in this study. They hypothesize that the susceptibility to ICH may be due to the fragility of erythrocytes when the cholesterol level in the erythrocyte membrane is too low. Studies: * *

Nitric Oxide measuring device versus a Heart Rate Monitor

Is measuring muscle oxygenation and nitric oxide or an HRM in real time a better and more accurate measure of effective exercise and performance?

Inquiry on “Pill in the Pocket” Approach for Low-Risk Intermittent Atrial Fibrillation

With the latest data on intermittent atrial fibrillation (AFib) and the duration thresholds that necessitate anticoagulation, I am curious about the viability of the “pill in the pocket” strategy for individuals at low risk ... using an anticoagulant for say a month should a device pickup an AF episode lasting over a certain duration of time. Could you please provide insights on whether this approach is advisable, and the reasons for or against its use?

Zone 2 Training

I have started to incorporate zone 2 training on my treadmill. I do not have access to a Lactate tester, but I do get a VO2 Max test every year. If I use the anerobic threshold heat rate from my VO2 max test, will that get me close enough to my zone 2 training zone. Also, I have noticed that when I hit 45 min of training, I have to increase my pace/grade in order to maintain my target heartrate. Is there a physiological reason for this. Just curious