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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Boxing or MMA or BJJ training after 50?

Pentadecanoic acid supplement/odd-chain saturated fatty acid supplements to slow aging

What is your opinion on Pentadecanoic acid supplements?

Pendulum probiotics

I listened to your Podcast on this topic and noted that the CEO of the company stated that product is not stable at room temperature so not suitable for trips, yet whenever my order arrives the product is very warm. When I call the company they say the product is heat stable. Which is it?

Pendulum probiotics

I am reading in the Neurology literature that Akkermansia in the gut has been associated with Parkinson's. What are your thoughts on this?

The weight effect on heart rate

Peter, When I hike unloaded my HR is a good way of capturing my effort and work. When I add 40lb to the pack and do the same hike the HR seems to fall short at capturing the effort and work. What is the best way, best units, or method for capturing the work of weighted efforts for training design and maintenance. Thanks