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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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PCSK9 Inhibitors

I was wondering if Peter could go a little deeper into the topic of PCSK9 inhibitors and how they work vs typical statin use. Any side effects in clinical trials or in his personal use of Repatha.

Sglt2 inhibitors and lipase increase

In my practice I occasionally observed a slight elevation in lipase after Initiation of sglt2 inhibitors without signs of pancreatitis. Did you observe something similar and Do you consider this clinically relevant?

Creatine and Beta-alanine supplementation

I miss an episode of the AMA commenting on supplementation with creatine and beta-alanine to help performance in physical strength and conditioning activities, in addition to benefits in other physiological systems

Diet of children

I would like to suggest that Peter condider doing a podcast on children’s health focusing on diet ans supplements. Has he used any supplements on his children? Is there any recomendation out of the ordinary ones that most pediatritians do?

32 Year Old with CAC score of 117

I am 32 years old, and during my teenage years and late twenties I had several really unhealthy years (smoking for 2 years, eating lots of saturated fat, overweight, high blood pressure). About two years ago I change things around with lifestyle diet, cardio, weight lifting, and lifestyle change. In May 2023, my ApoB was 70, Lp(a) was 10, LDL 80, Triglycerides 90, HbA1c 5.5% and these test have remained there for over a year (until now in 2024). By listening to the podcast, I decided this year to get my CAC score done to check about the damage I did in my 20s while I was unhealthy. The results shocked me- my Coronary Artery Calcium Score was 117.7 (with 77.9 LAD; 35.5 RCA). I am honestly terrified, and the first thing I am planning with my Dr is to begin statins to bring my ApoB down to 20-30 mg/dL. What other treatment recommendations might you have for a 32 year old patient with my profile? What other tests would you recommend? Right now my outlook is mostly that of fear (especially because I am so young and have recently become a father), so what would you tell a patient like me to provide them with a more positive outlook?