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Female zone 2

After listening to Dr Hubermans podcast July 22 ,2024 with Dr Stacy Sims on female specific training , I’m interested to hear your thoughts on zone 2 and endurance based workouts for females. I understand how impactful muscle mass is with aging females but her thoughts on endurance work make some sense but are different than what I’ve read on zone 2/3 , but it probably wasn’t female specific advise. Thoughts??

Red meat and colon cancer (microbiota genotoxicity?)

Peter I really enjoy your skeptical approach to observational data when it comes to its attempts to make causal inferences (for example epidemiological studies showing the association between red meat consumption and cancer) Still, when looking at observational data (considering researchers did everything within their reach to limit confounders), integrating other pieces of evidence may strengthen the causal inference from obs data. For example: 1. local genotoxicity caused by bacteria in the colon processing red meat has been demonstrated reproducibly 2. saturated fat in red meat may be a mediator for this effect of red meat --> cancer I really would love to hear you with all your scientific rigor commenting on the whole body of evidence (leaving aside your food preferences - like mine!) Thanks

Annual Vaccination Strategy

Hi Dr. Attia - what does the latest research show on the efficacy of annual flu and COVID vaccination? Should everyone take both or is more nuanced?

Managing Genetic Risk Factor: Migraines

Hello! I’m a huge fan - in the Early program and Drive subscriber. The guidance you share to recommend an assessment of genetic risk factors to understand where we should be more proactive or pay more attention really resonates with me. The genetic risk factor on my radar is that my mom and two (older) sisters suffer from debilitating migraines. I have had three in my lifetime - not nearly as many as my family. The only recommendation that I can find in your materials is a potential link between migraines and low magnesium. What other proactive steps should I be taking given the high risk that as I age I may also develop regular migraines? Migraines are hugely impactful to the quality of life however the information available is terrible - manage stress and keep a journal - seems to be the medical advice available. Is there anything better?

Products claiming to improve VO2 max

There’s a product called Extreme Endurance that claims to improve VO2 max, along with some other performance benefits. The website and reviews claim that it’s “backed by science”, however, I found only one study consisting of 16 males showing a 1.0 mmol reduction in lactate following vigorous exercise. My boyfriend and I do crossfit and many different types of fitness activities. My boyfriend’s crossfit sponsor bought him the Xendurance (Extreme Endurance) supplement and the ingredients seemed harmless so I tested it out and thought I noticed performance improvement. Is it possible this product has a performance benefit or is that just a placebo effect?