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If every cardio test (incl all carotid and heart sonograms, PET scans, chem stress tests) and LIPID panels (healthy Chol numbers) are mid range normal and/or show no stenosis etc., but my LIPO A blood test is 145, why do the scan tests all show normal? Where does the cholesterol caused by high LIPO A go? Where in the body does it early ‘mark’?

Low dosage of Trazodone + small amount of alcohol

Hello Peter, I see that you take Trazodone and enjoy a drink sometimes. I know that the recommendation is to don't combine alcohol with this medicine. My question is in the evenings than you have a beer or glass of wine, do you take Trazodone or you skip it? I'm curious about small amount of alcohol 500ml of beer for example and taking 25mg of Trazodone 2-3 hours after that? Thank you

Hormone replacement podcast request

Any chance you can get Dr. Neal Rouzier on your podcast? I have attended his conferences and he seems to have very interesting perspectives on BHRT.


The Validating Benefits of Rapamycin for Reproductive Aging Treatment (Vibrant) study from Columbia university published its preliminary results, showing that rapamycin can slow down ovarian ageing by 20%. I wonder what Peter's thoughts were on the subject. Seems premature to publish an interim analysis of 34 patients when the sample size is 1000. Thank you,

Maintaining Strength and Conditioning for People with Joint Replacements

Dear Peter and Team, You've said (and I agree) that there are just no circumstances under which a person should not be lifting weights. Whatever we have going on physically, we have to work around it. I think you basically have a similar point of view on cardio. I want to know how those of us who are relatively young with joint replacements should think about maintaining muscle mass and conditioning, while protecting our replacements. Our doctors tell us to basically not do anything too strenuous, and maybe just walk, but that's a recipe for more health problems and an early death. I know the basic point is that we each have to find a way, so I do whatever I can, elliptical, bike, recumbent bike, walking, and lifting (though now with machines). But if there is anything more that we can learn from medicine or science regarding how to approach and maximize life span and health span. I'm 55 years old, with a left hip and right knee replacement, and a lumbar and cervical fusion. Nevertheless, I feel I'm way to young to go quietly into that good night. I still want to push.I still want get stronger. How do younger folks with joint replacements (or people in general with joint replacements) accomplish that without damaging our replacements? What is the evidence on strength and resistance training after joint replacements. I would love to see an episode on this. ---- Background. I'm 55 years old, and I've already had two joint replacements and two spinal fusions. I practiced martial arts basically since the 8th grade, eventually training and competing in full contact kickboxing (the latter of which I did in my early 30s). The net result of all of this was 2 right knee ACL reconstruction/revisions and ultimately a total knee replacement of the right knee. Similarly, the hyper flexibility in my hips, which gave me great advantages in speed and kicking technique, also contributed to gradually wearing away the cartilage in my left hip to the point where I was forced to get the hip replaced. Finally, my late great mom gifted me with her arthritis and degenerative disc disease, so I've had a lower lumbar fusion and a cervical fusion. Again, I'm 55, not 75, so the advice my doctor's tend to give me feels like it's geared toward the elderly (basically don't do much). But people are getting joint replacement earlier and earlier. I don't want to be some jackhole who destroys the good work these talented surgeon's have done for me. But I'm not gonna jus sit on my couch. Here's hoping you pick up this topic, despite my annoyingly longwinded message. Best regards