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Discordance between AboB and LDL-P

I've read your thoughts on discordance between LDL-C and LDL-P but I was curious if you could talk about what discordance between ApoB and LDL-P could mean. I thought ApoB and LDL-P are measuring close to the same thing. If specifics are needed, the discordance I think I'm seeing is an ApoB of 77 and an LDL-P of 1682.

Cold plunge plus BFR training

I would like to do my BFR training after I take a cold plunge, but worry about restricting already constricted veins/arteries. I use the Kaatsu B2 bands if that makes a difference. I could change the settings on cycle mode, for example. Also note, I'm 75.

VO2Max training in small doses

I have a lot of small physical activities where I could add a short high intensity burst. For example, biking with my daughter to school, I could do a 5 minute sprint on the way home. Or doing 2 4x4 minute interval runs in the morning (so 8 minutes high intensity total). If I was to do a total of 30 minutes of this intensity time across the week, would this be roughly equivalent to a one hour workout (30 min intense time) once a week?

Pcsk9 inhibitor update please!

Are there any updates on PCSK9 inhibitors in APOE 4 genotype patients? My whole family is healthy with APOE4 but has elevated LDL cholesterol and wondering best course to treat. Also, if you were to treat the high LDL would you approach as primary or secondary prevention goals (with the APOE 4 gene).

What basic bloodwork would you like every patient to get annually?

What basic bloodwork would you suggest a female/male patient monitor annually? I seem to be adding things to every bloodwork check that doctors don’t offer to order for me - like Vit D or APOB, for example.