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Trucheck Intelli test liquid biopsy screening widespread use in the UK

This test is offered by many private clinics in the UK: highly sensitive and specific CTC screening test for asymptomatic individuals. DCG (the lab) provide three convincing papers in support: Int J Cancer 2020 Jun 15;146(12):3485-3494, Cancer Cytopathol 2021 Mar;129(3):226-238, Cancer Prev Res 2021 Jan;14(1):11-16. So far so good, it's FDA approved, except you've never mentioned it as far as I can tell which makes me worry you know something that blows it out of the water as a useful test. Would be great to hear your thoughts.

Lipoprotein A

My Lipoprotein A is 145. I’ve read your segment on it. I’ve had all of the cardio tests as a preventive measure - all are in the ‘middle of the ranges’. Chol is 127,LDL is 58, HDL is 60. I’m on a baby aspirin and 10mg statin daily. Is there a recourse other than the Ely Lilly drug - something more natural - to lower the Lipo A? I take AG1 daily. Thank you.

HRT Patch with Estradiol and Progesterone

What is your opinion of the safety and effectiveness of the Climara Pro patch that contains Estradiol and Progesterone? Is this something you would prescribe to your patients who have not had a hysterectomy? I have heard you talk a the Vivelle Dot, oral progesterone, and progesterone coated IUDs, but I haven’t heard you mention this combination patch that I just learned about. Thank you for considering this question.

TRT and Prostate cancer

If so many studies show that external testosterone replacement therapy DOES NOT worsen or enhance the progress of existing prostate cancer, then why is it that testosterone is still 'officially' considered contraindicated for prostate cancer patients and not just this, anti0androgen therapy as well as orchiectomy are still practiced in clinics around the world? I am interested because I have prostate cancer 'in-situ' (Gleason score 3+4 =7) and I have started TRT (25mg SC/day) on my own initiative. I am 70 years old and have had loss of muscle mass (prolonged statin therapy).

Excercise, Diet, and Cancer

Peter, How important are exercise and diet while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy after tumor removal? How aggressive can exercise be while undergoing this therapy? It seems logical that maintaining fitness is critical and that this while also help with emotional and psychological strength too. What are your thoughts?