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Zone 2 Training- lactate directed HR vs. Morpheus directed HR

Recently in a Zone 2 training article as well as in Peter's interview with Joel Jamieson, you all indicated the the upper level HR per Morpheus' "Recovery Zone" correlates extremely well with the upper limit of the zone 2 training threshold. I measure my lactate fastidiously and regularly and consistently obtain a reading of 1.9 +/- 0.1 with a HR of 118-119. However, my upper limit of Morpheus' recovery HR is consistently 132-137 which is significantly higher. How do you explain this meaningful difference? Which measure do you believe I should use to direct my zone 2 training? I believe the lactate measure is likely much more accurate based on RPE.

Theracumin's effects on Neutrophil count

As an APOE4 carrier, I started taking Theracumin 180mg 6 months ago for its anti-inflammatory properties and potential effects on amyloid. My most recent bloodwork showed a reduced WBC count of 3.5 and a neutrophil count of 1.5. All other lab values were normal. I am a metabolically healthy 56yr old female. I am wondering if the low counts can be contributed to Theracumin and if there is any literature about this and if it warrants discontinuing the Theracumin?

What are your thoughts on drinking hydrogen rich water(HRW)?

Greetings Dr. Attia! Maybe this has been asked before but here goes. I have been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis since 2019 at the age of 32. My life has been changed by pain in ways that I didn’t imagine I’d feel in my 30s. I was in the military and was medically discharged due to the condition. I was a submarine nuke electrician so definitely not the pinnacle of performance like those spec ops guys! Now I am a man of science and studies, but sometimes pain and desperation to feel normal again allow us to fall into taking snake oil. What is your personal opinion on drinking HRW for inflammation and are there any good studies or resources to check out? I just want to make sure I’m not paying scammers for a miracle elixir. Thanks!


I recently took control of my health. I lost 60#s and reversed my type 2 diabetes. My fasting glucose can be as low as 87 and postprandial ranges from 126 to 135ish. I eat a 160 grams of protein daily and avoid processed foods and carbs. A I resistance train daily. I’m 5’11” and 205# with a goal of 180. That said…do I have to worry about hyperinsulinemia (beacuse I’m a former diabetic). Hoping for a deep dive answer. Thanks so much!!

What role does HCG play in low free testosterone?

How do I test for HCG levels? What the course of treatment would be and would that improve my free testosterone levels? Does an unsuccessful back surgery on L5 impact testosterone levels and cause issues with erectile dysfunction? I am interested in a telehealth consultation.