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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Would you agree that age related muscle loss (sarcopenia) is more related to emotional and social causes than physiological causes?

training adjustment for blood donation

How should one adjust one's training after a blood or double blood donation (latter = apheresis with double rbcs donated). I stupidly donated a double 6 days before I was scheduled for a 5k. How to fit regular blood donation in with training. Thnks

Studying studies

Not a question, but this is a good quick commentary on the fallibility of statistical significance.

Correlation is not causation?

If health is the outcome we care about, and if studies keep showing that people who do certain things are healthier, even though the evidence of direct causation for those certain things is lacking, at what point does it make more sense to participate in and promote the behavior that is continually correlated with better health... as opposed to obsess on the lack of evidence for direct causation?

Zone 2 workouts - Length

When you say that the minimum Zone 2 workout should be 45 minutes, does this include the ramp up time to get to Zone 2 or is this ramp up time in addition to the 45 minutes? Many thanks.