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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Do you have a recommendation on yoga or flexibility?

Graves’ disease diagnosis

Hi guys. Have been given this diagnosis 7 weeks ago (59yo), 186cm and 78kg (was 85kg). Lost about 7 kg have finally got my TSH, T4 and T3 under control. Antibodies still high but coming down. Overall feel pretty good. My question is, please. I want get back into the gym and put some muscle back on. My concern is around my metabolism which is super high right now and I’m eating what seems like every 3 hours. My experience with strength training is that I eat like a horse anyway. I’m concerned that if I go back into the gym I may not be able keep the calories up and start losing weight again. Thoughts?

Coronary Artery Calcification and Master Endurance Athletes

Hi Peter and team, can someone direct me to information on your page regarding coronary artery disease / plaque calcification in masters endurance athletes. If I remember correctly I think you may have addressed this before. If not, this would be a topic I would love to hear more about in a sunday newsletter or an AMA. Best.

Wide range between systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements.

I am a male who will be 71 years old this month, and a lifetime exerciser. I have been taking my blood pressure with an automated machine (3x/two-minutes between each time). In the past two months it has ranged between 110/56 -129/56, but more often than not my systolic pressure is in the elevated range (i.e. between 120-129). My highest diastolic has been 72 (122/72), but it is more routinely between the mid-50's and low 60's. I have two questions: (1) Should I be concerned about the wide range between my systolic and diastolic measurements?; and (2) As my systolic pressure is routinely in the elevated range (>120), should I be considering lowering it through a conservative medication treatment, especially as I am 71 years old? I have listened to several of your podcasts describing the gold standard as 120/80, and the advisability of maintaining BP as close to that standard as possible. Thank you so much for your valuable time.

ChinaHEART study (4m subjects) U-curve for LDL-C and all-cause mortality

I'd love to see a discussion of the ChinaHEART observational study on ~4m stratified subjects showing a U-curve in the relationship between LDL and hazard ratios for all-cause, CVD, and cancer mortality. The HR minimum in the U is higher than one would expect, in the 115-120 mg/dL range for all-cause mortality in the low-risk and primary-prevention groups. I think this would be a really interesting study for Peter to break down for us (especially if we could get Thomas Dayspring to come on the show again!)