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What are the side effects of rapimycin?

What are the side effects of rapimycin? I take 6 mg every Monday, and by Tuesday morning I have flu-like symptoms on Tuesday that are gone by Wednesday afternoon. Is that a side effect?

Precivity AD2

Will the Precivity AD2 blood test help diagnosis Alzheimer’s disease? I have the APOE 3/4 combination and although I don’t have any symptoms of Alzheimer’s, will early and frequent use of the Precivity AD2 test give me the earliest warning that it has started in me?

New Apollo Health test for Alzheimers

Are the new tests via Apollo Health (Dale Bredesen) accurate in predicting Alzheimers? Your thoughts on their validity. p-Tau 217 is a biomarker for Alzheimer-related processes. This p-Tau 217 test is sensitive enough to detect biomarkers when you are pre-symptomatic. No other blood test can do this. Used alone, it is 95% accurate in predicting amyloid pathology. NfL (neurofilament light) is related to neuronal damage. It can tell you if there is a problem with your neurons from causes like vascular disease, head trauma, or any neurodegenerative process. GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) is an early biomarker for inflammation and repair in the brain.


Hello, I recently had some direct to consumer labs drawn since my insurance does minimal testing in a “healthy 34 year old” but I’ve had low energy, fatigue and some other very vague symptoms. My ferritin was 262, tibc 220, uibc 92, iron 128 and iron saturation of 58%. Some other concerns were my testosterone is 211, free t 2.8 and LH is 1.2 and FSH is 1.4. C-peptide was also low at .6. I’m wondering if this is something that could all be related to my iron and potentially hemochromatosis and if so is this something that someone should try to follow up with a hematologist or endocrinologist? What is the high range you look for in ferritin? Should someone donate blood if iron is elevated or wait for a very slow large healthcare system that takes weeks to see you and even longer to be referred to specialist. I also wanted to mention I don’t take any iron supplements, follow a very healthy lifestyle, don’t drink alcohol, sleep 7 hours a night. Thanks for any additional info you can add to this topic.

What are the risk factors of neurodegeneration later in life when diagnosed with Central Sleep Apnea and OSA?

What are the risk factors of neurodegeneration later in life when diagnosed with Central Sleep Apnea and OSA?