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The Killer number one in the US and elsewhere is Heart Disease and Atherosclerosis. Millions have c logged arteries. What strategies do you have or can recommend for reducing plaques in arteries. Therefore also reducing the Calcium Score. What exercise program would be beneficial - if any? Can Cyclodextrine help?

Is there a difference between men and women in the zone 2 protocol?

I just heard Dr. Stacy Simms on Huberman, and one the big takeaways is that women shouldn't be doing Zone 2, and instead do just high intensity, heavy lifting, and jump training. Below are 2 of her blogs saying Zone 2 doesn't work for women. Can you give some thoughts about this?

I have listened to every episode of the show and I have a life goal of making the disclosure/liability statement a lie. I want to get client specific medical advice and be a patient of the clinic. After listening to the AI episode and seeing what AI is doing in my professional life, when will Dr Attia start training an AI in the clinic? There isn't a good technical reason Dr Attia's practice can't scale. The business prospects are nearly unlimited, but the impact to society wide human health are even larger. I would gleefully sign the most hateful release to be an alpha or beta participant. When can we start?

Desiccated thyroid extract vs Levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism

Levothyroxine has been the gold standard for years, is there a better natural options!

Natto supplements

Are there any fermented Natto supplements that are equivalent to actual fermented Natto?