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Diet for metabolic syndrome

A little background on me: most of my colleagues consider me to be one of the fitter guys on the fire department. I am typically described by the usual obnoxious terms like shredded, jacked, ripped.... I am 185 lb with about 10% body fat. Yet I most certainly am suffering from metabolic syndrome. I'm showing some bad liver enzyme numbers and have abdominal pain. Can you recommend the simplest diet to help in the reversal of metabolic syndrome? I have listened to and read your info and am aware of principles but I am seeking something I can repeat daily ad nauseum in order to fix myself quickly and effectively while not missing important micronutrients. I am struggling trying to provide myself with the fuel to pursue intense athletic interests concurrently.


Would a hot steam bath that gets up around the 175F mark have the same benefits as a sauna at the same temparature?


I suffer from Raynauds & started cold water plunging over a year ago, hoping that this might even benefit that? I was ok for approx 3 months until I started to get down to around 50F then I my toes & fingers became very painful & did not go away even after warming up. I then tried keeping my feet & hands out the water, still they were extremely painful. I had to stop, it has been a year now since I stopped & still my fingers & toes continue to bother me. If anything my Raynauds is now worse than ever. I would love to start cold water exposure again, what are your thoughts on this ? I might add that during that 3 months of cold plunging I never hot showered after, preferring the feeling of my body heating up naturally.

Zhittya Genesis Medicine.

Are there any reliable studies indicating this works? Claims they have developed a new drug FGF-1 which is capable of growing new blood vessels in ischemic tissue in a process called angiogenesis.

ADHD recent article question

The DSM 5 mentions three forms of ADHD: combined, hyperactive and inattentive. Are blood pressure concerns worse in hyperactive type? Are language and speaking problems worse in the inattentive type? (less nuanced impulse to respond spontaneously in conversation). Sometimes it seems inattentive are too relaxed. It almost seems stimulants are more helpful for inattentive but are typically associated with calming down hyperactivity. Thanks for the great article.