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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Creatine and Insulin Resistance

Can/does the additional muscle glycogen storage due to the ingestion of creatine help improve insulin sensitivity? Any caveats or things to keep in mind?

Performance Enhancing Drugs

With the Olympics starting in a few days, what are your thoughts on the number of athletes using some form of an illegal PED? Any idea what the drug(s) of choice is these days? Any physical traits to look for that might indicate use? Do you see a potential testing break through that won't require blood work and thus acceptable to the athletes?

Metabolic acidosis

Autoimmune, hashimotos, prediabetic, high cholesterol but normal triglycerides, high cortisol, low blood pressure episodes and hypoglycemic episodes during day. so some success for few years of Keto/high protein low carb but then just crashed, muscle weakness, feels like no glycogen into muscles, extreme fatigue, sleep bouts 2 hrs.Testing show metabolic acidosis, but “eating right”, exercising, so why could body not handle protein? Was eating 80-100 grams at a 160 weight for 60 yo female

rucking shoes

what kind of shoes would you recommend for me, I walk the dogs for one hour with 20-30 pound rucking plates and I'm 106 pounds. My dogs are 65 pound rottweilers, but I walk them one at a time. My feet hurt from walking because I don't think I have enough support, and I wear HOKA shoes with orthopedic inserts. I'm also a nurse so I'm on my feet 8 hours a day , 5 days a week, but my feet only hurts when i walk with the weights while walking the dogs. I have recommended your podcast and books to our anesthesiologists and nurses and our chief of anesthesia in Oahu loved your book! He is retiring soon and we have been comparing notes on our progress. Our orthopod doc recommended you as well. Thank you so much for being our champion in the quest for longevity! Mahalo

Request for Nightingale Health deep dive podcast

I would love to hear Peter host one of the scientist-founders of Nightingale Health, a Finnish company (but now with a lab in Pittsburgh) that has developed a high-throughput omics pipeline using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy plus machine learning. They have partnered on over 500 publications and provide the blood analysis for UK Biobank. It would interest your listeners because they've also developed an at-home blood collection device for analyzing over 200 analytes for direct-to-consumer use, including risk reports for CVD, type 2 diabetes, heart attack, fatty liver disease, chronic kidney disease, liver fibrosis/cirrhosis, COPD, and lung cancer. Omics at scale.