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Alcohol use disorder and Naltrexone treatment

Alcohol abuse is shockingly prevalent across almost all demographics and it is clearly a healthspan wrecker. For people struggling with alcohol use, for which the 12 step method hasn't yielded consistent results, would you recommend the Sinclair method of Naltrexone treatment?

Bone mass

I am not sure if you have covered this, but my son research shows a significant variation in bone mass (not just density, but the two go together) by I think as much as 20 lbs for a 6’ male if 200 lbs. My 80 year aunt relayed to me that in her younger days she would go to carnivals and always with the “guess your weight” prize. She was always heavier than they guessed. I laughed and said, I use to do the same thing and thought it odd. But the genetics of bone mass and density play a role here and in a big way if one just looks at the scale. How much can dosage of resistance training affect bone mass / density?

Tocotrienols vs tocopherals

I have been studying and looking at some studies on the differences between these but haven't found a cogent direct comparison based on clinical data. Does taking one over the other matter?

Nicotine pouches (e.g., ZYN) and heart safety

The previous AMA on nicotine was very comprehensive, but I feel like it did not fully cover the effect of nicotine on the heart and cardiovascular system more broadly, and my brief review of the existing literature shows a lot of gaps between studies of nicotine in smokeless and tobacco free form in non-smokers. Even the American Heart Association warns about nicotine in any form of delivery, however, the study that they say in that pamphlet on nicotine is a study on only vaping. My question is: Is there any good data out there that shows the effect of nicotine on the heart but specifically in a pouch form?

Should we supplement with epicatechin?

Richard Johnson recommends dark chocolate OR supplementing with epcatchin. First, should we follow this advice? Does it depend on whether you are metabolically healthy or not? Are there any danges with supplementation at what dosage?