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DIM + BioPerine Estrogen Blocker

What are your thoughts about research done on the efficacy of Dildolylmethane Supplementation. Also, what is the gold standard for measuring Free Testosterone? Thank you...

Full body MRI

What are your thoughts about preventative full-body MRI?

Female athlete triad / REDs

Can you elaborate on the syndrome, root causes and how to correct? I’m 46 and my hormones (Lh, Estradiol, testosterone) have plummeted in one year. I exercise pretty intensely 7 days a week and think I may be under eating, especially carbs. Would love your POV on this. Thank you.

Calcium Citrate or Calcium MCHA for bone health?

I’ve been taking 150 of Calcium Citrate and 250 of Calcium MCHA separately every day. I head MCHA is better for bone health. Should i take both or just MCHA? Thank you.

Heavy metals in food

I’m looking for ways to maximize protein intake. Fish, even canned or foil bags of tuna, are easy for transport and lunch at work. However, I’m worried about the heavy metal content. Would love a podcast episode dedicated to heavy metals, avoidance, and treatment.