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When are you going to bring on an expert to discuss GERD, LPR, and overall throat, esophagus, and stomach health? PPIs are very widely used and abused, and esophageal cancer as I read is one of the if not the fastest growing cancer.

Recovery from injury

Hi Peter, you frequently talk about the need to avoid injury. Although this is key, we are going to end up getting injured. If someone is injured, particularly training related (muscle pulls and tendinitis etc). How should we thinking about maintaining strength and fitness in the difference stages of recovery. Last part of this. I’d love to hear more on the latest science around tendinopathy recovery. My reading is that the ideas here have been changing a lot over time. I’d love to know what the latest research says about teninopathy rehabilitation (especially protocols and training regimens).

Non diabetic Neuropathy

Science on causes and possible cures

Choosing a type of exercise

Understanding that strength training and cardio are both essential, and that Zone 2 and 5 are both key in any training program( and I include all as part of my training), does the science show that any specific form of exercise is a better choice if you must choose only one type—time, location or other constraints limit one’s ability to follow the regular workout routine (ie vacation, etc.)? I am turning 60 this month, and when I’m a crunch I’d much rather run than lift. And I know I’ll spend more time running than lifting.

Long-term stimulant use and health

I’m curious your views on long-term stimulant use (for example for someone with ADHD) and health. If someone has normal blood pressure without stimulants, is otherwise healthy, but bp becomes elevated while on adderall/ Vyvanse, would you become concerned? What other concerns would you identify with long-term use of stimulants?