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Joint health

Hi Peter. I elliptical 3-5 days/week and I strength train 5 days/week. I switched to elliptical because of its low impact. My weight training includes, dead lift, squats, leg press, etc. I recently turned 46, and I have started to worry about my knees. I experience occasional soreness beyond what I think is just post workout. My question: are there bone/joint supplements that aren’t bullshit? My vet insists my senior dog get a glucosamine supplement and I don’t question that. I question it if it’s for me. I suppose it can’t hurt? Thanks for everything you and your team do. Best

Synthetic Vitamin B1

Benfotiamine is everywhere. However Vitamin B1 (natural form) low supplemetation seems to indicate an increased cancer risk based on some of the research studies and higher level supplementations seems to lower the risk However benfotiamine does not seem to indicate a cancer risk and seems to habe benefits. Could you elaborate on the differences between the natural and synthetic forms of vitamin B1, which one is better to supplement and at what dosages. What are the benefits of the syntheitc forms of B1 incluing sulbutiamine. Thank you

Review of Body by Science

I would be very interested in a review of the book “Body by Science” by Doug McGuff and John Little. John is my trainer and I’m shocked by the protocols we are using and their effect. In my, n of 1 experience, the protocols are highly effective and I’m not in a scientific position to dispute the research and am interested in a more educated review. Coming off your post about overtraining it would seem to reinforce the protocols the book has pushed for. Thanks as always

RPE vs Lactate Measurements

Hello, I have been using a lactate meter to dial in my zone 2. At a level of 1.7-2.0 my RPE feels very low. My question is if I should just continue with this discordance, or if there is any benefit to training at a mildly higher RPE to see if I can improve my efficiency and bring this into my zone 2.

Seed oil -

Hi Peter. I know how much you like to talk about nutrition (lol). In the wake of the war on seed oils among all the bros, could you share your current view on the consumption of seed oils particularly in the context of cardiovascular health? Are there specific types or quantities that you recommend avoiding or including?