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Dr. Attia, I was curious if you still do any boxing type training. I love shadow boxing and heavy bag work. Is it possible to pull off a zone 2 workout with one of these?

Assessing Metabolic Health article

"However, over time, chronic caloric intake above energy balance causes fat deposition, and fat storage within skeletal muscle impairs the uptake of glucose via the GLUT4 transporter. When glucose uptake is reduced in this way, the pancreas must secrete higher and higher levels of insulin to dispose of the excess glucose." It would be great if Peter could talk more broadly about IR instead of only the above which is pretty patient blaming. Maybe this is the case of the majority of people but there are some of us who have arrived at IR through other mechanisms not just eating too much! It is so difficult to get treatment for IR at an early stage and this mindset does not help for those of us that fall outside of the avg. thank you

Are there risk with taking Glycopyrrolate for short or long term for hyperhidrosis?

Hello, Thank you for taking my question, I have recently been prescribed Glycopyrrolate for my excessive sweating, I am wonder if it is worth the risks? My current doctor made them sound very rare and minimal but when researching further I did find it can cause several things like cardiovascular issues, cognitive issues, and glaucoma. Any insight to this would be much appreciated.

Role of DAGs and intracellular lipids in progression of Type 2 Diabetes

Good afternoon, Thanks for rereleasing the second conversation with Dr. Iñigo San Millan, it's has been awhile since I listened to it. At the end of the conversation, he referenced his University of Colorado colleague, Bryan Bergman's research on the intracellular fat droplets. You two touched upon this topic in both podcasts together and, like you, I am utterly fascinated by dichotomy of the the fat droplet in an elite athlete versus sedentary individuals. This build up of intracellular lipids was also discussed in your episode with Dr. Gerald Shulman. There, he referenced the build up of DAGs as the main culprit leading to insulin resistance in a number of tissues, including muscle. Ever since then, I have wondered what specifically about the DAGs causes a backlog. Is there something specific about the fatty acid content in these DAGs in sedentary people preventing them from being metabolized properly? It seems like Dr. Bergman is attempting to elucidate this in his research. Unfortunately, I am struggling to access some of his most recent papers, but I did come across his abstract, "Oxidized Lipids Cause Ceramide Accumulation and Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle" in Diabetes ( Can you please invite Dr. Bergman onto your podcast to discuss his research? It seems to be the logical next step and important work to bring to the masses! Thanks

Advice for caregivers: how to approach longevity for people with significant intellectual disabilities

I have a brother with Down Syndrome, and one of the challenges I'm grappling with is how to approach exercise and nutrition him given his significant intellectual disability. I go on walks with him and he is reasonably lean, but is there any advice you have for helping people we care for get into better shape? My main concern is pushing him too hard to where he doesn't want to do it, and believe me it's not going to happen if he doesn't want to do it.