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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Sudden death in joggers

Hi, what is the most likely cause of sudden death, if 58-year-old healthy females are males who are joggers and are healthy and look like they’re in good shape, is it a heart attack? Is it an arrhythmia, a brain aneurysm, hematoma in the brain? I thought jogging is supposed to keep you healthy so you’re not supposed to drop dead at age 58.

Homozygous APOE4 and Alzheimer's dz - recent study in Nature

I would love to hear your thoughts on the newly published paper in Nature that proposes APOE4 homozygous as not just increased risk for Alzheimers but in fact determinate and distinct type of Alzheimers disease. What does this mean for APOE4 homozygous people? What about other research that shows just increased risk for Alzheimers? Do you feel this study overrides previous studies? What is the role of epigenetics when it comes to the APOE gene?

Liked the summary AMA

Sorry not sure how to let you know my thoughts - love the podcasts & just listened to the new quarterly summary one. Both thumbs & my very agile & strong toes UP!


Besides the GLP1 agonists, what else has Peter learned about peptides that we should all know? Is it true that all professional athletes are taking BPC 157? I know Dr Mark Hyman is. What are the safety considerations we should know about? Thank you!

"High Quality Protein" and Collagen

In several episodes of The Drive Peter argues for collagen being not only incomplete but also low quality. This is obviously based on a muscle-focused view of protein synthesis. Downtime is an important factor, as acknowledged in several episodes. Many sports injuries are tendon and ligament based. Peter argues that one may as well take a complete protein but he is otherwise very observant regarding insulin action in the body. Also, when looking at the actual amounts how much protein would you need to consume if you wish to prep your sessions with (let's say) 15 grams of collagen and if you you are not a hypertrophy-focused gym bro? And let's assume you practise a sport like climbing where strength is important but more (muscle) mass is not. And let's also assume that you do know that complete proteins are important and know when they are. Maybe invite Keith Baar for a podcast?