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are you familiar with Osteostrong? Is it beneficial?

Block therapy

Are you familiar with Block therapy? is it beneficial?

Can you comment on latest ldl study that shows high ldl = better mortality?

Lp(a) value fluctuates despite being largely hereditary?

Hi there, I recently got my Lp(a) tested again (I know Peter said it only needs to be tested once, but I chose to test it again out of curiosity) along with my apo(B) and the usual lipid panel. To my surprise, my Lp(a) is 119 nmol/L which is a 46 point jump from my previous Lp(a) of 73 nmol/L from a year ago! My apo(B) is just a few points higher at 89 mg/dL and LDL is 105mg/dL (which is 10 points lower than it was before!). To my understanding, based on your previous podcasts about Lp(a), Lp(a) is largely determined by genetics and untouched by diet/lifestyle, etc. In the absence of kidney disease and severe inflammation, what could explain this big jump? My health is good. I don't drink or smoke. My HLD is optimal at 88 and my triglycerides is 33, extremely low! Hs-CRP is optimal at .2 I don't have any of the comorbidities that often associate with cardiovascular risks. Diet and activity level remain the same. Thanks!

high intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer?

Hi Peter - my partner has just been diagnosed with a Gleason 7 prostate cancer and one of the treatment options is HIFU (others are radiotherapy or prostectomy). As you didn't cover this in PA#273 I wondered if you have any insights? thank you