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Recent fish oil research

Thoughts on recent research of fish oil supplements leading to increased rates of AFIB and stroke in healthy adults but protective in those with previous cardiac history. Thanks!

Monitoring impact of interventions on Atherosclerosis

If serial CACs aren't routinely done and CT angiograms are expensive, how are interventions monitored besides changes in blood markers, which may or may not directly align with risk for plaque buildup, heart attack, and stroke?

Impact of inflammation on Atherosclerosis

Is it clear how much inflammation impacts atherosclerosis? Since plaque can build up without very high LDLs, and apoB and Lpa may not be measured, is it clear how cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes/metabolic issues, inflammation, etc. rank in impacting this disease? Is inflammation the driver or apoB/Lp(a)?

Ultra-processed ingredients in protein shakes

Are ultra-processed ingredients in protein shakes enough of a negative that they should be avoided? It is very difficult to find protein powder that doesn't have artificial sweeteners, thickeners, emulsifiers, etc. Are there any discussions in the health/wellness field of reevaluating UPF in powders and/or switching to protein shakes made from whole food sources?

Mushroom coffee and GLP-1

There are tons of mushroom coffees, teas, and 'boosts' flooding the market these days. With the polyphenols in mushrooms actually increase GLP-1 production and/or help increase metabolic rate?